Travel diary
It is from the beautiful province of Kashmir (...) that come the beautiful shawls, precious fabrics little known in Europe, but which are of great luxury among all the peoples of Asia. Kashmir wools are the finest in the world, finer than silk, and are used to make shawls for belts or turbans. Women wear them and prefer them to the richest brocades. A simple piece, four alders long by one wide, is worth more than a hundred louis when it is studded with flowers. The shawls are more beautiful when they have been used for a while, they lose their velvetiness and take on more lustre, they look better, and those who have used them in the country for one or two years sell them in Persia or India for the same price as they bought them. Most Persian trade with India takes place via the Kandaar route, with numerous caravans passing through in succession and paying customs duties levied according to the merchandise.